Sunday, May 6, 2007

Galveston Offender

One cannot think of Texas History without thinking about Galveston. This grand city was once one of the largest and most important ports on the Gulf of Mexico. Galveston has a colorful history of pirates, hurricanes, immigrants, gangsters and Mardi Gras. Galvestonians are proud of their state flag and, as you drive the streets of the historic district looking at the beautiful old victorian homes, it is hard to find one without the Lone Star flying from the front porch.

Today there is an invasion going on in Galveston. An invasion of Houstonians trying to escape the hustle and bustle of living in the 4th largest city in the country. These part-time Galvestonians have filled the western end of the island with weekend retreats. Unfortunately, they have brought some of their big city habits with them -- such as not knowing which end is up on the Texas Flag. This flag was tucked away on a canal, but it did not escape the eagle eye of SPPDFT. Once again, caught in the act!

West University Place Offender

The community of West University Place lies in serene, suburban southwest Houston. West University is known for it's tree-lined streets and beautiful homes. Appropriately named, the community lies just west of Rice University. It is home to physicians, college professors, oil barons, and a few Houston Astros.

The grand boulevard of West University Place is University Boulevard. Along this oak-lined street, families proudly fly their flags; many on flag poles in their front yard. Well, it appears that one West University Place family needs to study up on their civic lessons because they can't seem to get their Texas Flag flying the right way (see photo). Our southeast Texas agent found this violator on April 28, 2007. We hope they took the citation that we left in the good spirit in which it was intended!

Two Time Offender

On April 26, 2007, our Central Texas Agent was called out on a reported flag flying upside down. When he arrived at the location, he noticed familiar surroundings and found our first two-time offender. It seems the good folks at Cedar Valley Middle School in Round Rock managed to get things topsy-turvy again (see photo).
Readers will recall that we caught the folks at Cedar Valley flying the Lone Star bottoms up on Groundhogs Day (see: Quality Without Compromise). Well, looks like they are at it again -- our first 2nd time offender!