Seems that many of the hotels and lodges in Colorado display various state and national flags. This, no doubt, is done to send a message to tourists that their establishment welcomes visitors from all places.
Our Western Regional Director got called out on a report that The Lofts of Estes in Estes Park, Colorado had gone a little too far. These folks were flying several state flags, but they had The Lone Star Flag flying upside down. We don't know if the Lofts were doing this to attract Texans to their place or not. It is quite possible that they did this intentionally to discourage Texans from staying there. (This wouldn't be the first time this was done in Colorado.)
None the less, our director dutifully went all the way to Estes Park to document this violation and has since notified the Lofts of Estes of their error. We trust they will fly The Lone Star properly in the future. At least he enjoyed the trip!