Toward this aim, our diligent operatives ceaselessly search for improperly displayed flags. The evidence is recorded photographically, and where it is possible, a citation is issued.
For our inaugural post, here is a photo I took on 04/08/2005 in Alpine, Texas.
Yesiree, cowpoke. That flag is improperly displayed.
That week, I called them on improper display twice. The University DPS has not, as far as I know, made the same mistake since I lodged my complaints.
Some will say, "The red goes on bottom and the white goes on top."
Here at the SPPDFT, we say, "The star always points to heaven."
Either way, the photographic evidence is damning. The Texas State University System, of which Sul Ross State University is a member, should know better.
Check back here for more shocking violations of the Texas Flag Code; only at the SPPDFT.
Also, if you have any photos or anecdotes to contribute to the cause, we can be contacted at:
1 comment:
I was very encouraged to find this site. The reason being that this is such an informative post.
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